Friday, September 13, 2013

QR CODES: What are those Fragmented chessboards structures you see :/ ?

     Imagine being at a party and having one of these business cards....(Wouldn't people be flabbergasted looking at you and wanting one of those...I would definitely be one of them)

     Quick-response codes, better known as QR codes are an innovation by the Japanese.Unlike the traditional bar-code design that comprises of a strip of horizontal lines, the QR code is like abstract art (almost like the chessboard that’s in a fragmented format). So, incase you are thinking about what exactly are these abstract art squares, I have an answer for you…

      QR codes are small symbols that you might find on various retail products on supermarket shelves. It is basically a link, a web URL that helps you track information about the product on any device that has a camera. It simply requires you to install a QR code reader on any of your smartphones, which will then decode the design image into readable understandable information for the buyer. The QR code is more meaningful than conventional ones as it can store much more data in them.

However this is not it, the QR codes are contributing in a big way to bridge the gap between the consumer and the seller of the product.

      The very nature of this technology of being so easy to operate and access information almost instantly (hence the name Quick Response), and most importantly free has open doors to many benefits for the seller and the consumer.

      Companies can save on money on advertising by implementing the usage of the QR codes. There is this interesting feature with which one can track a QR code. This way companies can track the number of people actually using the QR code and change their marketing strategy accordingly.
I personally feel that with such an inexpensive way of tracking, companies can focus more on marketing their products rather than saving up on costs.

      Also the usage is not just limited to detecting information about the products but can be used as a wonderful medium for advertisements, billboards, business cards and so much more.

      Although many of us haven’t experienced this wonderful technology but for me being an avid Tech- Knowledge fan really appreciate this piece of innovation.

      So for all you people who want to get a little more tech savvy…
My quick advice:
1) Install the QR code reader in your smart phones
2)Polish your photography skills

And you are all set to hit the supermarket, Scanning....

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