Monday, December 9, 2013

Computer Graphics: It can do Miracles!

Ever wondered how is it, that we still get the same graphics as we used to get a few years back on the gaming console, now on our mobile devices. Apple keeps increasing its display resolution every year and gives these stunning display quality.

In this blog I will be giving a brief intro about computer graphics and its applications. Will not be getting in too detail about anything but I encourage you to read the links provided. So coming back to how Apple manages to do that, well it's all about pixels and making it shine without drinking a lot of power. There are many way to do that and I will leave that for you to understand if you are interested in knowing the different techniques.
This link sums up pretty much everything neatly giving you a brief history into the past as well.

Some different types of images that we have seen in our day-to-day life which are the core essential of computer graphics are

2D images are use in applications that were originally developed from traditional drawing and printing technologies.

A large form of digital art being pixel art is crated through the use of raster graphics software which images are edited on pixel level

vector graphics
Vector graphics are complementary to raster graphics. It consists in encoding information about shapes & colors that comprise the image, which can allow for flexible rendering.

3D graphics compared with 2D are graphics that use 3 dimensional representation of data. Despite many differences they still use the same algorithms. 3D graphics are the same as 3D models.

Animated pic
Computer animation is the art of creating and moving images via the use of computers. To create the illusion of animation, an image is displayed then quickly replaced by a new image that is similar to the previous, but slightly shifted. This is somewhat similar to the illusion of movement in television and motion pictures. 

A list of the different styling techniques can be found at the following link along with their brief intro. A very good example to understand a few things about graphic designing we see in games and other animations is to see this video which shows how real-time planet rendering and lighting is done in OpenGL

One would always feel why do we need computer graphics ?

   The importance lies in its applications. In engineering applications like automotive and aerospace, the ability to quickly visualize newly developed shapes. Before the advent of computer graphics, designers built expensive prototypes and time-consuming clay models. Now, they do it interactively with the help of computers.

Medical imaging is another application where computer graphics has proven to be very valuable. Examples include 3D Xrays

Computer graphics has also expanded the boundaries for art and entertainment. Movies such as Jurassic Park, Avatar are good examples which make use of computer graphics to test the bounds of imagination.
Virtual reality which is fast becoming an indispensable tool in education. Flight simulators are used to train the pilot for extreme conditions and also used to train novice surgeons without endangering patients. These wouldn't have been possible without computer graphics.

 And as the industry develops today, one's imagination is the limit to things that can be developed. 


  1. Akshay, the post is very cool. I am surprising of the length of your post. I agree with your point that computer graphics can make miracle happens. Computer graphics are really useful for most aspects of our lives nowadays. One of the most important things of computer graphics was the invention of user interface from 1970s in the very first personal computer. Then computer aided drafting and design (CADD), Simulation and modeling, and entertainment are other important applications of computer graphics. There should be no arguments on how it really makes the tasks on other fields of technology easier.

    In short, this is a very informative post. Keep doing this good stuff, Akshay.

  2. Hello. Akshay, Good to read you post. it's very informative and organized. When I was freshman, I used other computer animation program, ALICE. it can make 3D graphic as well, not exquisite work tho. By using this program, I could know what is programming logic because I had to do coding like easy statement like' while left hand turn right 3 times, both leg stop to move.' like that. does it sounds fun? Anyways, good work!

  3. Akshay. Your post about computer graphics is fantastic. It explains well not only 3d graphics but how animation works. It captures magnificently for beginners how 3d graphics is used in medicine, games, advertising and even art! It is a brilliant human invention of visually engaging the user. I will read in-depth how Apple does high quality lower energy consumption graphics. With such fast technological advances power will no longer be an issue, it will be the amount of devices people buy.

  4. Akshay, this is a very informative and detailed article about the introduction about computer graphics. It is very interesting to hear the application of computer graphics in different fields. A detailed visual image is also very important for a statistician. As a statistics major, a good analysis on plots is the fundamental and most important step to establish a model.
